We are ALL wired with intuitive ability. Too often, however, we do not fully acknowledge or utilize this the ever present and infinite wisdom, which transcends our intellect and five senses. It comes easily to animals and children, as evidenced by the animals heading for the hills to avoid an impending tsunami or a child responding to stimuli that defies our cognitive understanding. When he was just two years of age, my colleague’s son said;

“Mommy…babies know everything when they are born.
Then they learn to talk and they forget”.

Why is it important for us to claim our intuitive gifts and ability?
It IS our true guidance system with unwavering accuracy. We are all a channel for universal, divine guidance from forces of nature and the ethereal realm. Call it your Higher Self, Source Energy, Universal Presence, God, or whatever you recognized it as. It’s what informs us, moves us, connects us and shepherds us in ways that provide peace, joy, safety, fulfillment and meaning in our lives.

How do we OPT-In to our intuition?

We cannot connect with someone we care about unless we are OPEN to what they have to say and make the time to HEAR what they want to share. The same is true for accessing our deepest knowing and guidance system. Place your left (receiving) hand over your heart, with right hand on top….and say aloud “connect”. LISTEN and notice what feelings surface. Your emotions are one of the doorways into tapping into your intuition

Our intuitive knowledge lies in a higher vibrational plane and frequency which requires us to be still enough to tune in.
* Tune in to your Thoughts:
Too often our minds are on overload, blocking and overriding our intuitive receptors of meaningful information. Sometimes it’s difficult to discern what is a free standing thought or an intuitive message. The difference lies in a very palpable narrow space. It’s the quite voice and whispers that can feel a bit foreign…as though they have been planted into your mind…”go that way”…”don’t do that “…”turn left. We hear this in our mind’s eye and either dismiss it or listen. I invite you to practice Pausing to listen to what is meant for you to hear.

* Pay Attention to Your Body:
Our bodies house our soul, and offer another doorway of intuitive access through physical sensation. When you focus on your body, are you getting goose bumps that say YES, or constriction (stomach, headache, muscle tension, clenched jaw) that says NO, or a sense of lethargy that is begging us to pause. Tune in to your body each day. You will come to recognize it as a holy harbinger to serve your highest good.
* Practice Playfully:
I once took a class based on the book The Psychic Pathway from Sonia Choquette. We played “guessing” games with one another to practice our natural and spontaneous intuitive ability. A world renown astrologer once referred to this as “instant knowing”. Playing with this, in a lighthearted way, brings fun satisfaction and builds confidence. Practice this: The next time you feel an intuitive YES….Press GO! When you feel hesitation, Press PAUSE! When you hear a resounding NO…Just Say NO.

Sometimes we resist what we intuit because it’s not what we want to hear, or what we planned for, or what makes sense to our “rational” minds. In order to build and trust in our intuitive ability, I encourage my clients to keep a “Aha” journal of their intuitive messages, sharing and acting in accordance to them. Trust is also developed by tuning in to your relationship with your God, spirit guides, guardian angels, loved ones on the other side of the veil. ASK for their assistance. Let go and pay attention to what transpires.

These three aforementioned steps require us to Go IN-ward for connection, comfort, healing, and clarity. What’s your gut say? After exhausting mental chatter and a bit of analysis paralysis….we finally get to this question as a last effort and hope to receive relief and gain clarity.

How about if we take this route FIRST? Going inward requires time for stillness and solitude. Take a walk in nature, Lie in quite contemplation, Sit in mediation, Journal … Then LISTEN to & TRUST in what springs forth.

Finally… declare and affirm to yourself:
“I am an eternal intuitive being. I trust what I hear and choose to navigate my life from this place of divine inspiration…Ahhhmen”

(**Article published on April 2014 issue of Manhattan Medium Thomas John**)

Marcy Cole, Ph.D is a Holistic Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker, Community Mobilizer, and Humanitarian Visionary.
Connect with her at:

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