USA Administration

Christina Littrell-Williams

I come from the corporate world and was an Associate Producer in Animation – Project managing is my life! I decided to open VA-a-GoGo in 2008 – an outlet that allows me to work with business owners and assist in the overall workings of their businesses. VA-a-GoGo focuses on Productivity! As a productivity consultant I review your business, the processes you currently use, the tools you have in place, speak with your team (if you have one) and come up with a more functional successful process! In this process we tackle communication issues, customer service stumbling blocks, tools and resources needed, time sucks and build a working plan. During my years I have acquired several tools and resources that my team and I can help you implement into your daily activities that help with the daily work flow and success.VA-a-GoGo also has a virtual assistant team that can come in and take on “tasks” so that the business owner can focus on working ON their business not IN their business!


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Staci Jansma

Staci is an internet entrepreneur focusing on helping others by providing assistance virtually. She delivers excellent service in proofreading articles, search engine optimization, shopping carts, affiliate programs, autoresponders, and creative projects. Staci is always eager to tackle a project.

FirstName Last Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quam elit, condimentum sit amet eleifend vitae, consectetur ut odio. In massa lorem, adipiscing sit amet lacinia dictum, congue ut nunc. Curabitur risus urna, suscipit nec condimentum ac, imperdiet a eros. Nam sed lacus elit. Vivamus bibendum purus nec lacus elementum quis vehicula mi vehicula. Donec aliquet congue risus ac facilisis. Morbi felis sapien, dictum in porta ut, aliquet quis libero. Integer adipiscing eros eget tortor suscipit accumsan. Fusce egestas, risus non posuere porttitor, dolor magna semper velit, lacinia faucibus velit magna non velit. Integer aliquet nisi nec nunc sodales congue. Duis mollis quam at sem sagittis sed commodo lorem adipiscing. Sed id velit sed arcu facilisis placerat. Mauris gravida posuere purus eleifend elementum.

Lisa Greenfield Fabulous Female

Lisa Greenfield is the founder and CEO of Truth In Hand.  Her business is Hand Analysis, the business of helping people understand the visual language each brain writes on the hands with nerves expressing thoughts and feelings.

Lisa brings a lifetime of experience reading well over 10,000 hands from around the globe.  Her readings include iconic film stars, rock stars, international CEO’s, television personalities and people just like you.

Lisa has an unparalleled history in Hand Analysis that brings a rich, deep understanding of human nature reflected in the lines on hand.  She knows absolutely how to help you change your mind and change your lines!

There is a short sample reading online for all those who wish to try Hand Analysis for the first time.

In 3-5 minutes you can enjoy a peek into the secrets your hands tell about YOU

compliments of Lisa at

Other places to connect with Lisa:

Hear Lisa explain how the truth is in your hands with hand analysis.