Self Focused. The first step in personal growth.

Self Focused.

The first step in personal growth.


Trine C. Jensen, Founder of Success On My Own Terms.

Too often we get caught up in the judgments of others.  We put too much emphasis or importance on what other people think of us, and we become focused on tending to their perceptions in order to control a given situation.  In the worst cases we engage in a constant battle to control what people think, a process known as image management.  There’s nothing wrong with this—most businesses and politicians do it to perpetuate or maintain a public image, and ordinary people like you and me do it as well.  However, if we do it excessively, it becomes a tremendous energy drain, and our lives become centered on ministering to the needs of others at the expense of expressing ourselves authentically.  The key to overcoming this problem is to find a healthy balance between being other focused, as mentioned above, and self focused, which means having a healthy focus on your needs in specific situations.  Being Self-focused has its downside, but here it’s used to denote a positive focus on individual needs.

For many, a lack of stability in childhood is often a factor in developing an other-focused mindset.  Kids who grow up in uncertain environments can become other focused out of necessity. Learning to navigate drama or even violent situations forces them to appease the uncertainty by focusing on the needs of those threatening them.  Conversely, kids who grow up in stable environments can be focused on their own needs and learn to express those needs appropriately.  In other words, they will have had the experience of having their needs met by their caretakers and are not as likely to develop a limiting other-focused focus.

Codependent relationships are other common environments in which this condition can thrive, especially if the seeds were sown in youth. When we find ourselves in such relationships, we often develop a skill set that is great for reading other people’s needs and for ignoring our own. In fact, it’s often difficult to know what our needs are.  And for those of us who were disconnected from our self at a young age, it takes a bit of work to reconnect and learn how to maintain the connection. Meeting the needs of everybody else is second nature, and it’s often our path to safety, since it feeds emotional elements such as acknowledgment, belonging and acceptance. That’s how we learned to get accolades in our early environment, and we tend to follow the same pattern as adults.

Being other focused isn’t without merit, but like all impulses, it has to be effectively managed.   In fact, it comes with a skill set for a slew of careers in the caring professions. Therapists, coaches, and healers are often very other-focused.  But leading a healthy life requires striking a balance between tending to others and tending to yourself.  Becoming positively self-focused helps us claim our identity, discover our needs, determine what we want from life, and, when completely realized, allows us to communicate those feelings at will.  We learn to judge a situation based on whether it will fulfill the aforementioned criteria, and we are able to choose whether or not to stay in it.  This is incredibly empowering because we now have the power of choice, and rather than trying to get our approval and security from others we become the generator of our own safety—the generator of our own sense of worthiness.  It begins by learning to catch those other-focused moments that threaten to undermine our best interests.

When we’re able to say, “I’m going to check in with myself and I’m going to make a different choice here,” we’re on the right self-focused track.  Initially, however, this process is going to take a tremendous amount of courage because the buttons that it will push are connected to our fundamental sense of safety.  When we break the pattern that has given us value in this world for so long, the “other pleasing,” the assessing what others need and meeting those needs, we’re going to get some push back.  If we have a life full of relationships founded on that behavior, then when we start to take care of ourselves, some friends may say, “Hey, I liked it better when you were accommodating my needs!”

Some of those relationships will come to an end, and some of them will grow and transform with us, and they will become incredibly valuable compared to what they were in the past. They will resonate with our authentic sense of self because we will be relating on an equal basis, instead of engaging in self-effacement in order to please the other. And it’s hard to cop to those behaviors in ourselves because nobody likes to raise her hand and say, “I’m a real doormat in half of my relationships.”  That doesn’t feel good.

But the point here is not to call ourselves a doormat and then use that as an excuse to beat ourselves up. It’s much more about saying, “Okay, these are the circumstances, these are the types of relationships, these are the types of people that trigger me to be over accommodating at my own expense.”  Get really clear about these elements and then start taking small steps to correct them.  What can I do differently when that button is pushed? And I’m feeling scared.  My sense of security in this relationship feels threatened and it’s because I want to change my behavior and take different action. What can I do differently?  How can I be courageous and express my truth right now?

Some additional steps to consider:

The self-focused process has to do with paying attention to ourselves, to our feelings and to our needs. As a place to start for the next couple of days pay attention to your hunger before meals; are you really hungry? What are you in the mood for? What flavors would you like to taste? What is your body asking for? You can apply this line of questioning to any activity you are about to engage in and ask yourself similar question; Do I really want to do this? Why or why not? What would I rather do?

The point is really pay attention to the answers you get from within, you don’t have to make any changes yet, start by just paying attention to the answers you get, you can decide what to do with this information later. Have fun and enjoy getting to know yourself better!  Visit Trine’s website at


How many times have you asked yourself, “Why can’t I save money?” Or better yet, “What happen to my paycheck?” The answer to these questions can be found in two words, “immediate gratification”. We have become a society that needs things now. This urgency is directly connected to our “mindset”.

The way to see if this is true is the next time you want to buy something and make the purchase on the spot, take a moment to assess how you feel. As well, take the time to write your feelings down. Assess who you tell what you’ve purchased and if there’s excitement attached to having the object in hand “immediately”.

Then, compare this with the next time you see something you want to buy. This time decide to “sleep” on the purchase. Or better yet put it one “Layaway”. I heard you say, “Do they still have layaway?” The answer is yes and I challenge you to find the places that have layaway or purchase on “time” payments, before you get the item. When you find these outlets and make a purchase, take note of the difference in your feelings and write those down.

So, here lies your challenge. This test will help you decide if you’re an “abuser” of “immediate gratification”. Please note the fact that I didn’t use the word “victim”. This would imply that something was being “done” to you against your will. This is not true we are very capable of controlling immediate gratification if we choose.

Finally, the true indication is an evaluation of your “debit” and “credit” card statements to see what you have spent your money on. If you have a credit card balance that is used for “non emergency” purchases, chances are you prefer “immediate gratification” versus “delayed gratification”. The problem with immediate gratification is that it keeps us stuck from creating wealth and it can be disastrous to our financial success!

As always, I invite your comments, as well, I invite you to list some of the places you’ve found with “layaway” or payment plans that you don’t receive the merchandise until it’s paid in full. Please share those with our readers. In the future, I will share the list of places, I have, but you’ll have to “wait”. This is your first lesson in controlling “immediate gratification” ;-). Here’s to your prosperity….


How to Make a Super Anti Aging Breakfast

My anti aging breakfast is delicious, easy to make and has the single most powerful anti aging ingredient on the planet.

You want to start the day off with something extremely nutritious, that doesn’t raise your blood sugar, and is easy to digest. Grains and animal protein are just too hard to digest first thing in the morning. They can clog your system if you know what I mean.

A new bonus that I just learned about from Mike the Health Ranger, the seeds in strawberries actually bind with 90% of the mercury in your body to detox it out.  This is amazing news! Eating food in it’s natural state consistently detoxes the toxins out of your body, which in turn will help protect you from horrible health issues.

Cathey’s Super Anti Aging Breakfast Smoothie

  • 1 cup of Organic Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk or you can use Organic Coconut Milk
  • ½ cup of Organic Plain Yogurt, or Coconut Yogurt  use the Whole fat yogart….forget low fat or non fat….your brain needs fat, fat doesn’t make you fat, carbs do ( you can substitute Coconut yogurt)
  • 2 Tablespoons of freshly ground organic flax seed.  Did you know if you don’t grind your flax seeds they pass right through your body and you get zero nutrition from them.  Ground flax seed also goes rancid really fast, so I like to grind them fresh every day in a dedicated coffee grinder
  • 2 Tablespoons of high quality protein powder
  • 1/4 of a frozen Banana (if you are following a anti-cancer diet leave this out)
  • ½ cup of berries
  • Grated lemon rind of 1 lemon – very anti cancer, read The Anti Aging Properties of Lemon Peel
  • Liquid Stevia
  • Splash of real vanilla, with no sugar added
  • And the #1 Super Anti Aging Ingredient.  1 Tablespoon of Colostrum Powder LD

Optional additions:

  • 1-2 teaspoons of Modified Citrus Pectin (very anti cancer)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of organic cinnamon (evens out blood sugar levels)
  • 1 – 2″ fresh sliced ginger ( reduces inflammation) read  Root for Aging Less

Be sure to get a high quality Colostrum Powder that has been processed correctly, otherwise you are wasting your money.



I use Colostrum LD, clinically proven to be 4x more effective than regular colostrum.

This Anti Aging Breakfast Smoothie is an easy way to start your day the anti aging way.

Cathey Painter
Be the ageless beauty you were born to be!

How to Make Anti Aging Beauty Treatments with Colostrum

I’m going to show you 3 of my favorite Anti Aging Colostrum beauty treatments.

Colostrum Toothpaste

First up is Colostrum Toothpaste. I keep a little container of colostrum in my bathroom.  I put a little toothpaste on my toothbrush, then I dip in the Colostrum powder.

This reduces the infections in your mouth. Colostrum is anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal.  Keep in mind, a lot of illnesses start with germs and bacteria and viruses in your mouth, which in turn causes inflammation – the number one cause of aging.  Colostrum will also help heal your gums.

Colostrum Mask

You can make a super nourishing anti-aging Colostrum Mask. Colostrum is clinically proven to regenerate and repair the skin.

Put a tablespoon or two of Colostrum in a small bowl, mix in a few drops of little water with the Colostrum.  Spread mixture on your face and neck. Leave on for 10 – 20 minutes and then wash off.

Colostrum Bath

My  favorite anti aging Colostrum Beauty Tip: a relaxing and rejuvenating Colostrum Bath.

Put a heaping spoonful of Coconut oil in your hot bath along with 2 – 4 tablespoons of Colostrum powder. Soak for 20 minutes.

Your skin will feel and look amazing. The first time I did this I was shocked at how wonderful my skin felt right after, and even the next day.

Colostrum is clinically proven to heal the skin.  A Colostrum bath is great for all skin issues that need healing, eczema, psoriasis, breakouts, dry skin, bug bites and sunburns.

So there you have it. Colostrum: not only is it the single most powerful anti aging miracle food on the planet, you can also use it for fabulous anti aging beauty treatments.

I’m Cathey Painter, see you next time on The Ageless Beauty Report!
Be the ageless beauty you were born to be!

Anti Aging Secret Everyone can Utilize

This anti aging secret is very ancient. 

Whether you realize it or not, you are already using this ancient secret to bring about a beautiful healthy body, or a sick and aging body or something in between.

Science now has the technology to prove what ancient civilizations already knew.

I recently told a friend who is going through a hard time about this ancient secret.  Her reaction was so positive.  She told me that just knowing or being reminded about this “secret” was already making her feel better.

That’s when I decided I must tell you, my Ageless Beauty Readers, about a magic concept that has been hidden in secret text for more than twenty centuries.

A concept so easy, even a 5 year old can put it to use.  A magic concept that can not only be used for anti aging but to change your entire world.

This magic concept is wrapped up in one simple word.


At our Father’s Day dinner, my husband told me and the kids all about the documentary he had been working on that week. This documentary was all about spiritual healing.

He then looked over at the kids and said, “you know kids, your Mom may seem a little wacky, but she is right. I shot an interview with a guy who described how science can now replicate Dr. Emoto’s experiments from The Hidden Messages of Water.”

I had been introduced to this book 10 years ago and had often tried to explain the concept to my family.

For those of you who have not read the book, Dr. Emoto takes water and puts it under a high powered microscope.  When he plays classical music the water crystals form brilliant, colorful snowflake patterns, but the minute he plays heavy metal, the crystals form asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.  He also observes the same effect when  words of love, joy, beauty, and gratitude are spoken vs. words of anger, hatred and ugliness are spoken.  He even gets the same results when words are written on a piece of paper and taped to the bottle of water.

Click here to take a look at this video clip from the documentary “What the Bleep do We Know?”


What does this mean for ageless beauty?

Keep in mind that our bodies are 70-90% water.  Every thought you think, every thought you write, every emotion you experience, instantly affects the water that makes up most of you.

So pause for one moment and ask yourself.  How many beautiful thoughts of love and gratitude have I thought about myself today?

Have the good thoughts outnumbered the bad thoughts I have thought about myself?

I recently bought a book that has been a fabulous tool to get me back in the habit of gratitude and love.


The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda reveals the magic concept that many great people in history have used.

This concept is even written about in the bible.

“Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”

This concept has been a mystery to many, myself included.

Rhonda says there is a riddle or a mystery in this passage that is revealed in other religious writings such as the Koran.
“And remember when God proclaimed: “if you are grateful I will give you more: but if you are ungrateful verily my punishment is indeed severe.”

The magic concept is to be grateful for what you have and more will be given to you.  If you are grateful for your beauty it will increase, if you are grateful for your health it will increase, if you are grateful for “you fill in the blank” it will increase.

I think as a society we have developed a very detrimental habit of criticizing ourselves as well as others.  In other words we have developed a habit of being ungrateful.  The next time you are in a group be aware of just how much complaining or ungratefulness goes on.

We must create a new habit of gratitude to truly experience and enjoy the beauty of ourselves as well as all that life has to offer.

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne has a very simple 28 day plan to help you create a new habit of gratitude so that you can increase anything you want in your life, including the beauty of you.

I am loving this 28 day journey.  I felt the difference the very first day.

Do you think creating a new habit of gratefulness can make a difference in your health, your beauty and your life? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Cathey Painter
Be the ageless beauty you were born to be!

Are You Aging too Fast because of Adrenal Fatigue?

You may be asking what in the world is Adrenal Fatigue?

I certainly was asking that questions several years ago when I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue the first time, by my Naturopathic , Dr. Angela Agrios, several years ago.  Yes I recently experienced a relapse, more about that story further down.

Unfortunately western medicine, for the most part, does not recognize or treat Adrenal Fatigue, therefore most of the population has no idea what it is and how crucial healthy adrenals are for ageless health and beauty.

The good news is that it is pretty easy to fix if caught in the earlier stages.

The bad news is that Adrenal Fatigue can really cause all sorts of health issues, even life and death issues if left untreated.



What are Adrenals?

The Adrenal Glands are hormone producing glands that are part of the endocrine system and sit on top of each kidney. Their main function is to release hormones, such as cortisol and many others that help the body deal with stress.

When functioning properly the adrenal glands make the necessary amount of hormones without producing too much or too little.


How do Adrenal Glands become Fatigued?

Stress is the number one cause of Adrenal Fatigue. Our bodies were meant to deal with stress in small spurts, every once in a while, not on a daily basis.  Chronic stress, that goes on for months, even years, overworks the gland to the point that the adrenals become too fatigued to keep up with the needs of the body.

Adrenal Fatigue is very common here in the United States.  Take a look at this long list of the many ways we over stress our adrenals.

  • Being in a state of hurry because you are running late.
  • Being angry or mad
  • Career stress
  • Bad relationships
  • Emotional stress
  • Fear
  • Physical conditions/Illnesses
  • Drinking too much caffeine
  • Exercising too much
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Sugar
  • Refined Carbohydrates

All of these things contribute to stressing out our Adrenal Glands.

How does Adrenal Fatigue effect the body?

  • Elevated blood sugar levels
  • Weight Gain
  • Inflammation
  • Memory loss
  • Low energy levels
  • High or Low blood pressure
  • Poor sleep
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Skin rashes
  • Allergies
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • May cause autoimmune diseases.

Adrenal Fatigue makes it extremely hard to recover from a serious or chronic illness.

What are the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

  • Extremely hard to wake up in the morning
  • Afternoon fatigue
  • Memory Loss
  • Low blood pressure
  • Allergies develop for the first time
  • Skin rashes
  • Feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sugar or salt cravings
  • Increased thirst
  • Heat and cold intolerances
  • Dizziness

Every person is different.  Some people with Adrenal Fatigue experience extreme fatigue in the morning and then by night time the energy levels have increased so much so that they can’t sleep.  Others may be fine in the morning but experience extreme fatigue by 3pm.

Now for my story.  For those who read my blog, you know that the last year and a half I have been a little stressed.

Read Cathey’s Immune Boosting Health Tips.  (The good news is that all is well now.) With everything going on in my life, I had decided to take the last 6 months off from doing Bikram Yoga.  Bikram Yoga is a 1 1/2 hour class in a 105 degree room.  My schedule was so packed this was just too time consuming.

A couple of weeks ago I decided it was now a good time to get back to Bikram Yoga.  I was in decent shape, having regularly exercised to T-Tapp and Kathy Smith videos.  The first day back, as expected the heat was intense, but I made it through the class.  Later that day I felt extremely tired, but that was to be expected.  Even though I do Bikram yoga every other day I continued to be exhausted every day.  I began to think, wow I guess old age is setting in, maybe I am too old for this.  I was literally so tired by 3pm I had to lay down and take a nap.  This is so unlike me.

That’s when I called my naturopathic, Dr. Angela Agrios to set up an appointment.  She immediately suspected that the Bikram Yoga had caused the Adrenal Fatigue that I didn’t realize I had to reach a breaking point.

The good news is that with a few added supplements and taking extra good care of myself, I quickly recovered and feel like my old energetic self again.

Adrenal Fatigue can wreak havoc on the aging process by causing inflammation, which also effects your  long term health.  The fatigue also takes a toll on every area of your life.

Take a look at the symptoms and if you suspect you might have adrenal fatigue find a naturopathic doctor in your area by clicking here.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, I highly recommend my naturopathic, Dr. Angela Agrios.

Click here to watch what she has to say about Adrenal Fatigue.


Cathey Painter
Be the ageless beauty you were born to be!


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November 1st, 2011 with Gina Devee

Christina Littrell-Williams

I come from the corporate world and was an Associate Producer in Animation – Project managing is my life! I decided to open VA-a-GoGo in 2008 – an outlet that allows me to work with business owners and assist in the overall workings of their businesses. VA-a-GoGo focuses on Productivity! As a productivity consultant I review your business, the processes you currently use, the tools you have in place, speak with your team (if you have one) and come up with a more functional successful process! In this process we tackle communication issues, customer service stumbling blocks, tools and resources needed, time sucks and build a working plan. During my years I have acquired several tools and resources that my team and I can help you implement into your daily activities that help with the daily work flow and success.VA-a-GoGo also has a virtual assistant team that can come in and take on “tasks” so that the business owner can focus on working ON their business not IN their business!